Friday, September 28, 2012

Russian metals moguls reach out-of-court settlement


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10 Reasons to Do What You Love for a Living

You've heard this career mantra before:? Do what you love and the money will follow. But as any aspiring poet or starving artist can tell you, it just isn't that easy. Finding a way to do what you love and still make enough money to support a family can be a real challenge. Still, many experts say finding a way to follow your career bliss is worth the effort.

People who do what they love for a living tend to live happier, more productive lives, these experts say.

And those who don't are often made sick by working at jobs they hate.

Here are 10 reasons why it is important to strive to find a way to do what you love for a living (or, at the very least, find way to love what you already do).

Your self-esteem improves

Those who do what they love for a living end up feeling better about themselves, said Sherry Mirshahi-Totten, a career advancement coach and the CEO and founder of Roadmap Career Services.

"Your own self-esteem will be higher because you will feel energized by what you do, and your employer will be more prone to rewarding you for it," Mirshahi-Totten said.

You will be motivated

Ellen Ercolini, a career and life coach, believes it's important to do something you love for a living because when the going gets tough (as it assuredly will), you'll be motivated to push through.

"Instead of being overwhelmed with stress for a job that you don't even like, which affects other areas of your life, you have the connection and inspiration to make it work," Ercolini said.

You become a valued employee

A business's best asset is an employee who loves his or her job, said Mary Hladio, founder and president of Ember Carriers Leadership Group, an organizational performance consulting firm.

"Someone who genuinely loves their job is more satisfied and likely more motivated and productive during their time at work," Hladio said. "It is unlikely that they will complain or begrudgingly complete tasks at the minimum level of effort, and instead they will be engaged in their work, proactive and, furthermore, interested in motivating co-workers in the mission and goals."

You earn more money

Professional coach and author Karen Garvey said loving what you do can have a significant positive impact on your wallet.

"The angst of hating one's role often leads to an inability to manifest promotions, sales, raises, etc.," Garvey told BusinessNewsDaily.

Your overall health is better

Author Walter Meyer said having a job you love plays a role in your overall health.

"The tension and pain of doing a job every day that you detest has to take its toll in terms of higher blood pressure, headaches and the rest," Meyer said.

[7 Ways to Improve Your Work-Life Balance]

You garner more respect

People who love their jobs often spend extra time making sure they are doing their best work, which executive coach Kathi Elster said will undoubtedly be noticed by supervisors and peers.

"You tend to go above and beyond what is expected, gaining the respect of those you work with," Elster said.

You have a better home life

Personal and business coach Melissa Heisler believes employees who have a job they love will also have a more enjoyable home life.

"Instead of coming home with stress and tension headaches, we return home at night with more energy for ourselves and our families," Heisler said.

You are more productive

Cheryl Palmer, a career coach and professional r?sum? writer, said employees who do something they enjoy for a living end up as more productive employees.

"Studies have shown that employees who are engaged in their work have a higher productivity rate," Palmer said. "Especially since employers are asking more of their employees than before, it helps to love what you do so that you can meet the challenges of the job."

You have improved mental health

As an expert in organizational culture and a professor in the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, Angelo Kinicki said doing what they love helps employees remain mentally healthy.

"It is important to do something we love for a living because our work lives will then provide meaning and purpose, which are associated with psychological well-being and health," Kinicki said.

He points to Viktor Frankl's book, "Man's Search for Meaning," which notes people need a guiding purpose in order to live a happy and health life.

[8 Ways Your Job May be Killing You]

You can serve others better

Finance consultant Derek Olsen believes consumers naturally gravitate more toward employees who love their job than toward those who don't.

"The person who loves their job is much more likely to be better at doing the job," Olsen said. "That means more quality goods and better service for the customer."

This story was provided by BusinessNewsDaily, a sister site to LivScience. Follow Chad Brooks on Twitter @cbrooks76 or BusinessNewsDaily @BNDarticles. We're also on Facebook & Google+.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Friday, September 21, 2012

Doritos Super Bowl contest teams with Michael Bay

(AP) ? Doritos is upping the prize for its annual "Crash the Super Bowl" contest, bringing in Michael Bay, a big name movie director who is no stranger to crashes himself.

The Frito Lay snack chip brand's seventh annual contest allows viewers to submit their own Doritos commercials. Fans vote on their favorites to appear during the big game.

If the ads score well on the USA Today Ad Meter, which measures the popularity of Super Bowl commercials, contestants win cash prizes of up to $1 million. But this time, winners will also get the chance to work with Bay, known for such films as "Transformers, "Pearl Harbor" and "Armageddon," on the next "Transformers movie."

"We realized entrants sometimes want a shot at breaking into the entertainment industry more than the $1 million prize giveaway," said Ram Krishnan, vice president of marketing, Frito-Lay North America, which is owned by PepsiCo Inc. "So we're giving them that chance by working on the next 'Transformers' move."

The winner's role in the making of the "Transformers" movie will depend on where his or her interest lies.

Another change: Doritos will debut a Facebook app that will let anyone volunteer to help others create an ad. Users of the ad can donate their time, props, or locations to help make the ad.

"Consumers told us 'I would love to participate but I have no interest or the talent to make a video,'" said Krishnan. "The app lets anyone pitch in."

There were 6,100 entrants last year, up from 4,500 the year before. Krishnan expects even more this year.

The Super Bowl will be played Feb. 3 in New Orleans and will be broadcast by CBS.

People can submit ads for the contest between Oct. 8 and Nov. 16 at Five finalist ads will be announced in January and consumers will then be able to vote for their favorite online.

The Super Bowl is advertising's largest showcase. The National Football League's championship game garnered an estimated 111.3 million viewers when it aired last February, according to Nielsen


Associated Press


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Facebook testing automatic photo uploads via Android app

Android Central

Facebook appears to be jumping on the automatic uploading of pictures bandwagon, rolling out a feature to select users that lets all pictures they take get uploaded to a private photo album in their account. Similarly to the way the Dropbox and Google+ apps operate, photos will be uploaded in the background and then managed at the user's discretion later. Facebook officially points out that they're rolling the feature out to a very small set of users -- which is customary for new Facebook features -- but considering there is already a help page for the feature, we'll bet that it will be coming to more users soon.

The other services do this feature well, but for those of you who prefer Facebook it's good to see some feature parity coming even as Facebook moves towards making a native Android app.

Source: The Verge, Facebook Help


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Endeavour stops in Houston en route to California

Space shuttle Endeavour flies over Ellington Field atop the shuttle aircraft carrier Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Houston. Endeavour is making a final trek across the country to the California Science Center in Los Angeles, where it will be permanently displayed. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

Space shuttle Endeavour flies over Ellington Field atop the shuttle aircraft carrier Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Houston. Endeavour is making a final trek across the country to the California Science Center in Los Angeles, where it will be permanently displayed. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

Joey Morrison adjusts his space helmet after watching the shuttle aircraft carrier with space shuttle Endeavour atop, land Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, at Ellington Field in Houston. Endeavour is making a final trek across the country to the California Science Center in Los Angeles, where it will be permanently displayed. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip

A large crowd takes photographs of the Space Shuttle Endeavour sitting atop NASA's 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft at Ellington Field in Houston on Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. Endeavour will spend the night in Houston before continuing its journey from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to the California Science Center in Los Angeles where it will be on permanent display. (AP Photo/The Galveston County Daily News, Kevin M. Cox) MANDATORY CREDIT, NO SALES, TV OUT

A large crowd strains for a good look of Space Shuttle Endeavour as it prepares to land atop NASA's 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft at Ellington Field in Houston on Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. Endeavour will spend the night in Houston before continuing its journey from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to the California Science Center in Los Angeles where it will be on permanent display. (AP Photo/The Galveston County Daily News, Kevin M. Cox) MANDATORY CREDIT, NO SALES, TV OUT

A large crowd takes photographs of the Space Shuttle Endeavour sitting atop NASA's 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft at Ellington Field in Houston on Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. Endeavour will spend the night in Houston before continuing its journey from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to the California Science Center in Los Angeles where it will be on permanent display. (AP Photo/The Galveston County Daily News, Kevin M. Cox) MANDATORY CREDIT, NO SALES, TV OUT

(AP) ? The space shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to leave Houston early Thursday after giving locals a brief glimpse of what might have been.

Hundreds lined the streets and crowded the airport Wednesday to see the retired shuttle land before it was to head to California where it will be permanently displayed, a fact that doesn't sit well with many Houston residents who feel Space City was cheated out of an artifact that should have been theirs to keep.

"I think that it's the worst thing that they can do, rotten all the way," said 84-year-old Mary Weiss, clinging to her walker just before Endeavour landed after flying low over Gulf Coast towns, New Orleans and then downtown Houston and its airports.

Space City, partly made famous by Tom Hanks when he uttered the line "Houston, we have a problem" in the movie "Apollo 13," has long tied its fortune to a mix of oil and NASA. Astronauts train in the humid, mosquito-ridden city, and many call it home years after they retire. The Johnson Space Center and an adjacent museum hug Galveston Bay.

Houston's bid for a shuttle was rejected after the White House retired the fleet last summer to spend more time and money on reaching destinations, such as Mars and asteroids. Instead, Houston got a replica that used to be displayed at the Kennedy Space Center.

"The one we're getting is a toy. An important toy, but a toy nonetheless," said Scott Rush, 54, of Crystal Beach, Texas.

Still, people came out in droves Wednesday, waving American flags and toting space shuttle toys, cameras and cellphones.

Back-to-back delays in the ferry flight resulted in one day being cut from the Houston visit. After landing, the Endeavour rolled slowly in front of the cheering crowd. It circled and preened like a runway model, giving awed spectators an opportunity to take pictures from a variety of angles.

"I want to go on it," said 3-year-old Joshua Lee as he headed to the landing area with his mother and grandmother.

Joshua's mother, Jacqueline Lee of Houston, viewed the landing as an educational opportunity.

"I don't know if he'll get to see this again," Lee said.

Around sunrise Thursday, the shuttle was scheduled to leave Houston, riding piggyback on a jumbo jet. It's booked to stop at Biggs Army Airfield in El Paso, Texas, before heading to NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Calif. After spending a night there, the shuttle will head to Los Angeles International Airport on Friday.

In mid-October, Endeavour will be transported down city streets to the California Science Center, its permanent home.

NASA still plays a large role in Houston, and astronaut Clayton Anderson, who lived on the International Space Station from June to November 2007, encouraged people to focus on a new era of space exploration.

"The shuttles are a wonderful legacy, a huge part of Houston, but now it's time to look to the future," said Anderson, who lives in the Houston suburb of League City.

This is the last flight for a space shuttle. Atlantis will remain at Kennedy for display, and Discovery is already at the Smithsonian Institution, parked at a hangar in Virginia since April.

Endeavour ? the replacement for the destroyed Challenger shuttle ? made its debut in 1992 and flew 25 times before it was retired. It logged 123 million miles in space and circled Earth nearly 4,700 times.


Ramit Plushnick-Masti can be followed on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Featured Database: Something About the Author (Gale ...

September 19, 2012

Something About the Author Online provides online access to all volumes of Gale?s Something About the Author series, which includes profiles of the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults.? Including more than 12,000 entries, and nearly 17,000 images the online version of this resources maintains the look and feel of the print while offering superior searching capabilities.

Find the link to this database on the Juvenile Literature Subject Guide on the Recommended Databases Tab in the box labeled General Juvenile Literature Resources

If you need any help with this or other library databases please contact the Education subject librarian Rachel Wadham:?


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Monday, September 17, 2012

Amazon Kindle Fire HD torn down, proves an easy fix

Amazon Kindle Fire HD torn down, proves an easy fix

Interested in what makes your new Kindle Fire HD 7-inch tick? The crew at iFixit certainly is. As is the repair shop's custom, it just tore down Amazon's new reader tablet to gauge its repairability as well as look for any surprises. In the case of the revamped Kindle Fire, the fixable design is the main surprise -- despite being skinnier than its ancestor, the tablet is easy to open and its components (usually) easy to replace. We're not as shocked by the choice of hardware makers, which include an LG Display LCD, the expected 1.2GHz TI OMAP 4460 processor and Samsung flash memory. Head on over to the source if you'd like to see the nitty gritty of Amazon's Android slab and possibly save the trouble of a replacement unit down the road.

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Amazon Kindle Fire HD torn down, proves an easy fix originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 17 Sep 2012 08:27:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

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Pokemon: Precious Items and Dragons

The greatest love story: Romeo and Juliet. He was no Romeo, and she sure wasn't no Juliet. [Remake]


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"The laziness is the engine of progress, who invented the wheel was because, obviously, didn't want walk"

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Monday, September 10, 2012

What clothes? Skin is ever in at NY Fashion Week

NEW YORK (AP) ? Bikini season may be over, but this is no time to tone down the workout. Many of the styles on the runway at New York Fashion Week flash a bit of skin here or there: bare midriffs, cutout backs, keyhole necklines.

The silhouettes in spring previews that entered a fourth day Sunday aren't necessarily skin tight, but it's not a season of full-on floaty frocks, either.

"We've gone so far away from overt sexiness, but the reality is, sex sells. At some point the shopper wants to be sexy," said Hal Rubenstein, fashion director of InStyle magazine. "Illusion fabric on a shoulder or a little skin showing on a midriff gives you a hint without giving it all away."

Victoria Beckham continued the trend with bra-style tops. Many of Alexander Wang's looks were seemingly held together by fishing wire. Rag & Bone flashed some skin with strategic cutouts and at Peter Som, midriff-baring cutouts were carved into ladylike sheath dresses.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week continues through Thursday before the fashion crowd heads to London, Milan and Paris.


Diane von Furstenberg called her spring collection "Palazzo." ''La Dolce Vita" also would have worked.

The muse has "the polish of a princess and the heart of a gypsy," von Furstenberg said, and she travels from Rome to Marrakesh and then off to Jaipur, India.

She takes with her on this journey tunics and skinny-leg pants ? practically silk leggings ? to wear during the day, and a blood-orange scarf gown attached to a silver choker and cuff bracelets for the night. She brings her kiwi-green gown with a cutout neckline just in case she'll need it for a last-minute, black-tie invitation.

The trip is definitely more play than work, a bit of a departure for von Furstenberg whose label often is the workhorse of a career woman. But these clothes fuel the fantasy she might be having at her desk.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin was on hand and Von Furstenberg and some of the models wore Google Glasses that were collecting video for a project to be released on Google-Plus and YouTube on Thursday.


Victoria Beckham's show not only looks like her signature pulled-together, well-edited style, but it feels like her, too.

She's the thoughtful hostess with waiters offering morning juice to the crowd at the New York Public Library, but she keeps the guest list very tight. She's one of the biggest draws of the week, but there's no frenzy of paparazzi photographers. (Husband David Beckham, however, did take some photos from his seat.)

Beckham said she checks ? or doublechecks ? every look to make sure "it looks good from every angle."

The clothes for spring had a delicacy that she said was new for her this season, although the clothes remained substantial and structured. It was the touch of illusion lace, the lingerie bra top or hemline of pleated chiffon that took the edge off banded short skirts, zip-back sheaths and shirtdresses.

The lingerie influences built on her knowledge of corsetry and fell naturally into the collection, Beckham explained after the show. Black and white were dominant as elsewhere in these spring collections, and Beckham used a poppy red as her bold contrast color. She was more interested in texture than crazy colors, she said, noting the black dress she was wearing, which mixed canvas, georgette, lace and chiffon.

"I want to design what I want to wear," she said.


What can stop traffic in always-bustling New York? Donna Karan in a taxicab-yellow raincoat.

Karan took her bow in the eye-catcher at Sunday's DKNY New York Fashion Week preview to the delight of the fashion insiders and to the passers-by on the street who could peek in the open doors to the Chelsea studio space.

She turned out a collection of mostly sporty looks featuring white perforated leather (think golf-glove material), camouflage prints, bathing suits-turned-bodysuits, bra tops and long neoprene dresses with mesh backs and sexy inserts. One of those dresses was in the same super-bright yellow that Karan wore.

DKNY is supposed to dress its customers every day and for every occasion, said Karan in a post-show interview: "When I can wear the same thing as the girls on the runway, I've done my job."


Tracy Reese rode her Michelle Obama bump from the Democratic National Convention to the runway, putting on a show of juxtapositions in color, textiles and embellishments.

"It's still such a big high," Reese smiled backstage after the show. "It reminded us how grateful we have to be to live in this country."

In a range of foliage greens, cool blues, warm ochre, tangerine and crimson, Reese put wide bands of flat industrial shingle sequins on airy loose trousers in yellows and reds.

She mixed a dainty, beaded floral pattern on top of one sleeveless shift dress with zigzags outlined in black sequins against bold blue on the bottom. Reese worked in phosphorescents to embroider bright pink flowers on the top of a tunic, using the same technique in yellow in a tribal pattern at the bottom.

Anything for the first lady this time around?

"We have a lot more back in the showroom," Reese said. "I think there's going to be a lot of things that she'll like."


Burgundy foil paillettes for cocktails or skinny madras plaid trousers with matching jacket in a military green for the office? You can take your pick from Derek Lam's spring collection.

Lam's edgy but wearable runway at a downtown venue included black lambskin halter tops and a fitted black leather dress with a pleated hem. Solid-color leather pieces, including a foldover bodice vest and matching skirt in bright blue, stood in contrast to lasercut foil accents on dresses and skirts and macrame and lace work in tweeds and basketweave patterns.

Lam went metallic gold for a skirt with macrame that stopped at the knee. Most hems landed just above or below the knee.

Kyle Anderson, the accessories director for Marie Claire, said Lam creates what many young women want, including those who crave fashion but may not be looking to take extreme risks.

"It's never weird," Anderson said. "It's always something new, always something fresh. He delivers every single time."


The audience at Alexander Wang is trained to know the best is coming last.

The mostly inventive black-and-white, pieced-leather looks that filled the first part of Saturday's show would have held Wang's place as one of the princes of cool. There were sporty parkas, tops inspired by hockey jerseys and even some more refined halter dresses.

Wang could have called it a collection and be done with it.

However, the final parade of nine models ? all wearing a cream color ? had their embroidered tank tops, pencil skirts, crewneck dresses and Bermuda shorts turn into glow-in-the-dark lightsticks when they assumed a final pose on the runway and the lights went out.

Wang also created a stir by having model Liberty Ross ? the wife of the director Kristen Stewart had an affair with ? walk the runway, along with the likes of Erin Wasson. Jennifer Aniston's fiance actor Justin Theroux sat in the front row along with rapper A$AP Rocky.

"In such a short time, Alex has redefined urban utility," said Laura Brown, Harper's Bazaar features and special projects director, who picked a cut-out silver dress as her favorite. "There's always a sexiness to his clothes, but this season he brought a glamour, too."


It was a rainy Saturday night in Manhattan, and getting a taxi was murder. But fashionistas lined up patiently under umbrellas, undeterred, to catch one of the most buzz-worthy spring previews of Fashion Week: that of rising star Joseph Altuzarra.

Inside the Industria Superstudio in the chic meatpacking district, the excitement was palpable. Actress Kate Bosworth, a big Altuzarra fan, kissed acquaintances and greeted Mamie Gummer, the actress daughter of Meryl Streep. The NBA's Tyson Chandler posed for photos not far from actress Jessica Chastain.

The looks that greeted them on the runway were a combination of the very casual ? navy-and-white striped cotton jackets and overcoats, for example, evoking kids' overalls ? and the glamorous, in the form of gold fringes on everything from skirts to tanks, and crystal-encrusted garments like dramatic scarves draped high around the neck. Workday looks of simple cotton graduated to looks that suddenly shimmered and glistened under the lights, occasionally perhaps a bit blindingly.

"He's going sky-high," said Nina Garcia, the "Project Runway" judge. "A real original."


The red carpet during the upcoming Hollywood awards season could be a sea of ocean-inspired gowns if Monique Lhuillier has anything to do with it.

Lhuillier, a favorite source for celebrity gowns, presented a bright aqua lace gown draped with a tulle overlay that gave the illusion of rippling waves ? and so did a one-shoulder tiered gown in crepe. A sea-glass green gown was embroidered with sparkly beads and had a low, sheer illusion back, and a textured jacquard strapless gown with a trumpet hemline was an underwater kaleidoscope of colors, including blues, greens and purple.

"The inspiration this season came from a wonderful trip I had in Turkey and I was on a boat and I was looking at the beautiful landscape and water and I was like, that's it. This is the feeling I want for spring," Lhuillier said backstage.

"The Emmys are coming up and some of the looks have been selected so they're on hold," said Lhuillier. Bet the gold, coral-embellished sculpted gown that served as the finale is one them.


AP writers Leanne Italie and Jocelyn Noveck contributed to this report.


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Friday, September 7, 2012

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Google (GOOG) CEO Eric Schmidt gave a brief state-of-the-Android address during Motorola?s big Droid RAZR press event on Wednesday and revealed that 1.3 million Android devices were being activated daily and that there were now 480 million Android devices active worldwide. Andy Rubin, Google?s senior vice president of mobile, said this past June that Google was seeing roughly 900,000 Android activations per day, meaning daily Android activations have increased by around 44% over the past three months.


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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cloud Communications Alliance Webinar on Federal, State and ...

Dear Cloud Communications Members:

The Cloud Communications Alliance (CCA) is committed to adding as much value to your membership as possible.? In the past, we have had vendor, legal and other types of presentations at our meetings.? While we plan to continue to do so, we are also going to try to offer you such value without requiring you to travel.? And we hope that we can save you the typical $600 an hour such professionals charge when they share their knowledge.

So we are excited to announce our first CCA Educational Webinar.


The Cloud Communications Alliance (?CCA?) has assembled a panel of experts to explain the ?nuts & bolts? about the complex and widespread universe of federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies affecting providers of Cloud Communications / Hosted VoIP services and related products.

Our experts will explain ?nexus? and the variety of factors states can use to establish nexus.? Throughout the webinar, attendees will be reminded of critical differences between ?taxes? and ?regulatory fees? and the need to understand that the rules applicable to each of these disciplines are unique; failure to account for the distinctions can lead to inaccurate and potentially costly results. Attendees will also learn about the consequences of non-compliance and the variety of mitigation and remediation options that are available with respect to taxes, regulatory fees and E-911 fees.

The presenters will discuss some of the challenging decisions providers operating in the complicated, uncertain and evolving environment must make and will answer questions submitted prior to or during the Webinar.

If you are attending this unique educational event and have questions you would like to submit to our panel of experts in advance, please E-mail your questions to Jonathan Marashlian at email hidden; JavaScript is required.


When:????????????? Thursday, September 20th at 2:00 PM EDT / 11:00 AM PDT

Where:???????????? Right Here (Register now to receive your password)

Upon submission you will receive your password via email to enter the meeting room.

Need Help? Call Web Meet Live Support @ 503-232-0824


About the Speakers

Jonathan S. Marashlian, Managing Partner of Marashlian & Donahue, LLC, The CommLaw Group and principal of The Commpliance Group, the law firm?s affiliated regulatory compliance administration and consulting division. Mr. Marashlian is responsible for leading the firm?s telecommunications, VoIP, broadband and advanced communications services clientele through the maze of state and federal regulatory and communications tax requirements.? Mr. Marashlian has comprehensively advised several Fortune 500 companies on regulatory and tax matters associated with entering the VoIP services marketplace, thereafter managing compliance through The Commpliance Group and its partners.

Robert Dumas, Principal and Founder of TaxConnex, llc.? Mr. Dumas began his public accounting career on the tax staff at Arthur Young & Co., followed by a brief stint at Grant Thornton. In the late 1980s, Robert joined BellSouth?s tax department. In 1996, he left BellSouth to pursue a career as an independent consultant. Three years later, Robert founded Tax Partners, which became the largest sales tax compliance service bureau in the country. Robert served as president of Tax Partners and helped grow the business to $16 million in seven years. The company was sold to Thomson Corporation in March 2005, and Robert served as vice president of operations in Thomson?s transaction tax business unit until founding TaxConnex in 2006. Robert is a nationally recognized expert on telecommunications taxation and a frequent speaker on the subjects of transaction tax, business process outsourcing and sales tax compliance.

Allison D. Rule is a Senior Attorney at The CommLaw Group and co-chairs the firm?s Communications Taxes and Fees Practice.? Ms. Rule specializes in communications taxes, Universal Service Fund (USF), E-911 and regulatory fee issues. As Chair of the firm?s Litigation and Dispute Resolution practice, Ms. Rule also maintains an active administrative and civil litigation docket, including representing taxpayers in sales, use, excise and other tax audit proceedings in a variety of jurisdictions.

About The CommLaw Group.? The CommLaw Group is unique among its peers, offering clients a scope of capabilities rarely found in boutique law firms. With a headcount rivaling the Telecom Practice Groups of most major law firms, we boast a team of attorneys, paraprofessionals and consultants possessing the skills, focus and resources necessary to serve the communications law needs of Fortune 100 companies, all without sacrificing the range of services and affordability which makes us the ?go to? firm for new entrants and service providers of all sizes.? In association with TaxConnex and The Commpliance Group, which specializes in fixed-fee licensing & compliance services tailored to the communications industry, The CommLaw Group offers businesses the ?Full Spectrum? of legal, regulatory, tax, administrative and consultative services.

About TaxConnex.? TaxConnex is America?s leading independent sales and use tax outsourcing and consulting firm. Using a team of experienced tax and accounting professionals, TaxConnex provides sales tax outsourcing, sales tax consulting and sales tax emergency response services to businesses of all sizes with a focus on technology companies, small and mid-sized businesses, and VoIP providers.? TaxConnex provides a complete set of highly customer intimate services including end-to-end compliance, data analysis, remittance, reporting, notice resolution, question handling, proactive suggestions, straightforward advice, and audit support.? TaxConnex is your ?on-call? Sales & Use Tax Department.

Joe Marion

Cloud Communications Alliance

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131 NW 1st Avenue

Delray Beach, FL 33444


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